Sunday, May 4, 2014

CHINESE Centenarians 100 yrs+ eat 98% Vegetarian,97% Vegan diet-Anti-Paleo,Non Low-Carb weight loss


List of Foods Eaten by China's Longest Lived Persons - 100+ Years Old

Chinese China Scientific Study Centenarians Diet Vegetarian Vegan Paleo Low-Carb Saturated Fat Pork Blue-Zones Okinawa Island of Pork Stan-Heretic drbganimalpharm chris masterjohn crossfit longevity life-span 100+ years old lose weight nir barzilai worlds oldest person


Scientific Data show that the persons in china who were found living well up over 100+ years were eating a 98% Vegetarian, 97% Vegan plant-based diet. The diet is the opposite of Paleo, virtually ANTI-PALEO: Paleo forbids grains and the longest living Chinese are eating healthy volumes of Cereals and Grains, Paleo bans most legumes and beans and the Chinese people found with the longest lifespans were shown eating beans, Paleo tells people to eat large volumes of meat and the healthiest longest living 100 year old people were found avoiding meat and eating nearly entirely vegetarian.

The Scientific study shows that the Centenarians found in china are not eating Low-Carb. In fact, those people with the greatest longevity were found eating whopping amounts of carbs, up to a huge 79%, almost 80% carbohydrates. The opposite of low-carb, rather purposely eating high amounts of carbs, lead to the longest lifespans. Carbs did not make the subjects fat. They did not have to lose weight after eating carbs. Nearly 56% of their diet was starch, namely eating Potatoes with various different seasonings and spices. The Chinese centenarians remained lean while eating a diet of nearly 80% carbohydrates.

The longest lived individuals in china are not eating high-protein meat-based diets: the chinese centenarians are avoiding beef, chicken, pork and fish, which was barely 2% of the diet, and a whopping 98% of their diet was vegetarian (plant-based-diet). The CHINESE centenarians did not eat a pork-based diet. Their diet is 97% vegan.

The diet does Not follow any Weston A. Price un-processed grass-fed beef, butter, lard, raw milk, type native traditions diet. The WAPF eschews soy, and these chinese longest lived healthiest people were found eating huge volumes of Soybeans, Soya, and Tofu products.Both non-fermented and fermented.
The diet is Low-Fat not High-Fat. The percentage of all fat was barely 9% of the centenarians' diets. Saturated fat did Not add to their health, as their diet was mainly mono-unsaturated, and poly-unsaturated fats sourced from plants. Their Heart health was remarkable due to the fact that all cholesterol comes from meat and animal products and no plant in the world contains cholesterol. Thus the vegetarian diet was protective against heart trouble.

Chinese Centenarians:
Diet Statistics

98% Vegetarian
Starch and Grain-based diet
Rich in Cereal Grains & Wheat
Rich in Soy-beans
Rich in Sweet Potatoes
Not Low-Carb
Low in Fish
Anti-Paleo Diet
97% Vegan Diet

9% FAT

Low in Saturated Fat
which resulted in
Least Disease, Greatest Longevity

SOURCE: Peer-Reviewed Scientific Study Data: Chinese Medical Journal 2001; 114(10)1095-1097


PROPER TAGS: Chinese, China, elders, elderly, The Centenarians of China, Asia, blue zones, 100+ years old, low-carb, nir barzilai, crossfit, paleo, chris masterjohn, melissa mcewen, hunt-gather-love, robertangle30, worlds oldest person, oldest person in the world, oldest living person, marks-daily-apple, mark sisson, Dan Buettner, Willcox, eliot-burdett, ned kock, bibliosquirrel, umbc, new england centenarian study

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