List of Foods Eaten by Korea's Longest Lived Persons - 100+ Years Old
Scientific Data now confirm that the Korean centenarians are eating an 89.5% Vegetarian plant-based diet. The diet is the opposite of Paleo. Paleo forbids grains and the longest living Koreans are eating large amounts of Grains and Cereals. This includes wheat. The longest lived centenarians ate wheat. This also includes Rice, the longest living people were eating carbs and rice. Paleo bans most legumes and beans, however the Koreans surviving over 100 years old in good health were found ingesting legumes and beans. This includes large amounts of soy-beans. Eating Soya and tofu lead to the longest living persons, with relatively few health problems. Paleo tells people to eat large volumes of meat but the healthiest centenarians were found getting away from meat and eating mainly vegetarian. The scientific data confirm a plant-based diet.
The data confirm that the people with the greatest life-expectancy were not eating Low-Carb. Just the opposite. Korean centenarians were found eating huge amounts of carbs, including grains, wheat, rice, and the Centenarians were even found eating sugar. Carbs did not make them fat. They remained lean, fit, and did not have to lose weight after eating carbs. High carb and low meat resulted in a lean physique with little or no belly fat.
The Korean centenarians were not eating high-protein meat-based diets. 94% of their diet was Not meat, poultry or eggs, leaving the entire portion of pork, beef, chicken, turkey and eggs at barely <6%. If these were eaten with equal fervor, that would amount to that 6% to be made up of just 2% meat, 2% fowl, and 2% egg. Reminder: Technically speaking, eggs would actually be vegetarian (ovo-lacto-vegetarian), so even up to 2% of that 6% might properly be also classified as vegetarian, leaving meat and fowl at just 4% of the diet. The Koreans that were found living the longest were Not substituting large amounts of fish instead of the meat. The Centenarians were Not eating volumes of fish. Fish turned out to be also less than 5% of the diet (95% of the diet was Not fish) Thus, using the scientific data of 5% fish, and then if the figure of 6% is used for meat, the sum of 5 and 6 results in a diet which is 89% vegetarian. However, the study included "egg" in that 6% category, so possibly up to 2% of that might be indeed still classified as vegetarian. That would mean the Korean centenarians were up to 91% Vegetarian, and the remaining 9% was split between barely just 4% meat and 5% fish. However, the more conservative and stricter number of 89% shall be used here, but possibly giving more unfair bias toward the side of those wanting to see more meat.
The diet does Not follow a Weston A. Price "un-processed" or "real food" type diet. The Korean centenarians cannot be classified this way, they are not eating butter, or large amounts of saturated fat, animal products, large volumes of raw milk, or "unprocessed foods" or any type native traditions diet. The Weston A. Price Foundation puts down and eschews soy, soybeans, and tofu, yet the longest lived healthiest people were found eating Soybeans, Soya, and Tofu and in top health. The act of fermenting is "processing". And both non-fermented and fermented foods are being eaten. So this is Not a "Wise Traditions" native aboriginal WAPF diet such as those pushed by Sally Fallon, Kaayla T Daniel, Mary G. Enig, Chris Masterjohn, or any other Weston A. Price Foundation board member. In fact, the longest lived Korean centenarians were found eating sugar. Processed sugar. Thus the WAPF diet is disqualified.
Also, the diet is Low-Fat not High-Fat. Weston A. Price foundation members push an up to 60% fat diet. However the percentage of all fat was barely 9% in the Korean centenarians' diets. Saturated fat did Not add to their health, as their diet was mainly mono-unsaturated (MUFA, omega-3), and poly-unsaturated fats (PUFA, omega-6) sourced from plants. Omega-3's come from plants, not from fish.
All cholesterol in the world comes from meat and animal products. No plant in the world contains cholesterol. Plants have none. Thus the mainly vegetarian diet was protective against heart and artery disease. Avoiding animal products, dairy and meat reduces cholesterol and saturated fat, which lowers the likelyhood of heart disease which is a number one killer in many populations, so avoiding cholesterol and saturated fat is a contributing factor toward long life.
Korean Centenarians:
Diet Statistics
89.5% Vegetarian
Grain-based diet
Rich in Cereal Grains & Wheat
Rich in Soy
High in Starches and Carbs
Not Low-Carb
Plant Based
Low in Fish
Anti-Paleo Diet
87% Vegan
Low in Saturated Fat
which resulted in
Least Disease, Greatest Longevity
SOURCE: Peer-Reviewed Scientific Study:
Source: "Discovery of Novel Sources of Vitamin B12 in Traditional Korean Foods from Nutritional Surverys of Centenarians" Chung Shil Kwak, Mee Sook Lee, Se In Oh, and Sang Chul Park, Institute on Aging, Seoul National University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Aging and Apoptosis Research Center, Seoul National University, Published in the Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, Volume 2010, 11pp, Article ID 374897
PROPER TAGS: Korea, Korean, Seoul, Centenarians, seniors, secrets of longevity, Asia, how to extend your life-span, blue zones, crossfit, paleo, melissa mcewen, hunt-gather-love, worlds oldest person, oldest person in the world, oldest living person, marks-daily-apple, mark sisson, Denise Minger, The China Study, Dan Buettner, Willcox, eliot-burdett, ned kock, umbc, new england centenarian study
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